Healthcare Services
It is crucial to maintain your reproductive health by scheduling an annual well-woman exam. Don't forget to make time for your Pap smear, breast exam, and general health check today.
What is an annual exam?
An annual health exam for a woman, sometimes called a well-woman exam, involves a pelvic exam, Pap smear, and a general physical exam - including a breast exam. The appointment also gives the office of Georgia Center for Women the ability to update your work and life situation as well as your family and health history.
An annual exam is also preventive. The doctors can identify possible irregularities, such as the presence of uterine fibroids or ovarian cysts, before they become symptomatic. As you reach your 40s, the team at Georgia Center for Women refer you to get a mammogram to screen for breast cancer.
When should a woman begin having annual exams?
A girl aged 13-15 benefits from visiting the doctors at Georgia Center for Women to establish a relationship and ask questions about irregular periods, sexuality, and other health concerns. Girls of this age may undergo a physical exam but usually do not undergo a pelvic exam.
What is a Pap smear?
A Pap smear is a screening test for cervical cancer. This essential test doesn't confirm whether or not you have cancer, but it can identify the presence of irregular cells that warrant further evaluation. You should have your first Pap smear by the age of 21 and then get on a regular schedule.
What is discussed at an annual exam?
The doctors at Georgia Center for Women review your overall health history and ask about any possible changes. You may also discuss your menstrual cycle and any irregularities. If you're approaching menopause, you may discuss symptoms, or if you're of reproductive age, you may discuss family planning and birth control.
Women who are sexually active can bring up the issue of sexually transmitted infections and request testing. Testing is a good idea if you have multiple partners or have a partner who does.
If you have unusual symptoms, such as pelvic pain or irregular vaginal discharge, the doctors may order additional blood or screening tests.
If you're due for an annual pelvic exam, make an appointment at Georgia Center for Women. Call the office nearest you.
During menopause, which is one of the biggest transitions in a woman's life, it's important to avoid adding more symptoms to the mix. However, traditional hormone replacement therapy can do just that. Luckily, there is a better option available at Georgia Center for Women with BioTE® natural hormone replacements. BioTE (with a registered mark) is bioidentical, meaning it is chemically identical to your natural hormones. This makes it a perfect solution for a comfortable menopause transition.

What is BioTE?
BioTE is a natural hormone replacement alternative to oral hormones, hormone patches, or hormone creams. BioTE is the top choice for hormone replacement at Georgia Center for Women for a few important reasons.
BioTE is bioidentical, which means it's a plant-derived molecular duplicate of the hormones your body produces naturally. That makes BioTE the far more natural option, as synthetic hormones are typically derived from animals.
Additionally, the consistent release of BioTE means that you can avoid the hormone highs and lows often associated with synthetic hormone replacement therapy.
What kind of symptoms can BioTE help with?
BioTE can help relieve many of the common symptoms of hormone depletion during menopause, including:
- Hot flashes
- Night sweats
- Breast tenderness
- Mood swings
- Depression
- Insomnia
- Painful intercourse
- Reduced libido
BioTE, when combined with any necessary lifestyle adjustments, can relieve most or even all of your hormone depletion symptoms during menopause.
How do I take BioTE?
Your Georgia Center for Women doctor numbs a small area on your hip and then creates a small incision there. BioTE is contained in tiny, rice-sized pellets, which your Georgia Center for Women physician inserts in the incision.
The BioTE pellet insertion takes only a few seconds. After that, no stitches are needed. Your doctor places a small bandage over the incision and you're done. You don't need to do anything, other than recommended lifestyle changes, until your next appointment!
How soon will I notice results?
It can vary, but many women start to enjoy symptom relief in as little as 2-4 weeks. However, keep in mind that it might take up to six months before you get the maximum benefit from your BioTE treatment. Just as it took some time for your hormone levels to plummet, it takes some time to rebuild them to the right levels for optimal symptom relief.
How long does BioTE last?
Longevity is unique to the patient. Most patients enjoy 3-6 months of consistent hormone replacement with each BioTE treatment. Your doctor works with you to determine the right schedule for your follow-up treatments so your hormone levels can stay even.
Want to learn more about the benefits of bioidentical hormone replacement with BioTE? Call the nearest location to book your appointment today.
Selecting the appropriate birth control method is a highly individualized decision. Our team is available to assist you in comprehending the advantages and disadvantages of various options, enabling you to determine the most suitable one for your family planning objectives.
What should I consider when weighing birth control options?
When considering the type of birth control that's right for you, consider a number of things, including:
- Each method's convenience
- Each method's effectiveness
- How sexually active you are
- If and when you want children
- If you have a medical condition
- Each method's side effects
You should also consider if the type of birth control you're considering is reversible and acceptable to your partner. Plus, if you have more than one partner, or your partner does, you should also look for a type of birth control that offers protection against sexually transmitted diseases.
What types of birth control are available?
Dozens of birth control options are available. They generally fall into the following categories:
Barrier Devices
Barrier devices, such as condoms and the diaphragm, prevent sperm from meeting an egg.
Hormonal Methods
Hormonal birth control pills and implants (Nexplanon®) interfere with ovulation.
Intrauterine Devices
The copper IUD or hormonal IUD affect the quality of your cervical mucus and alter the lining of the uterus.
Sterilization procedures, such as tubal ligation, make you infertile.
Natural Family Planning
The rhythm method, which requires you to watch for signs of fertility, is a natural birth control approach.
The doctors at Georgia Center for Women can help you understand these options more in detail.
What birth control protects against sexually transmitted diseases?
The only type of birth control that protects against sexually transmitted diseases are male and female condoms. Condoms aren't the most reliable in preventing pregnancy, however, so using a condom along with the pill or an IUD offers protection against STIs and pregnancy.
What is the most effective form of birth control?
IUDs and implantable hormonal devices are more than 99% effective in preventing pregnancy. These devices also offer the benefit of being easily reversible. You can become pregnant soon after they're removed.
The pill and patch are 91% effective and require that you use them properly (such as taking the pill daily at the same time or changing the patch every three weeks), so they may be less convenient for some women. Condoms (male) are only 85% effective in preventing pregnancy.
To learn about your birth control options, call one of the Georgia Center for Women offices.
Endometriosis is a condition where the lining of the uterus grows in other parts of the body, affecting up to 11% of American women of childbearing age. Our OB/GYN specialists are skilled in evaluating pelvic symptoms and providing treatment for endometriosis if it is detected.
What is endometriosis?
Endometriosis is a condition in which the lining of your uterus grows outside of your womb. The tissue may appear on areas including:
- The ovaries
- Your fallopian tubes
- The outer surface of your uterus or tissues that hold it in place
You may also develop endometrial tissue on your vagina, cervix, bladder, or rectum.
What are the symptoms of endometriosis?
In early stages, you may not notice endometriosis, but it usually causes symptoms such as:
- Painful menstrual cramps and chronic pain in the lower back and pelvis
- Discomfort or pain with sexual intercourse
- Irregular bleeding or spotting
- Infertility
Digestive problems and pain during urination can also result due to endometriosis. Because these symptoms are often associated with other conditions, endometriosis can be hard to diagnose.
How is endometriosis diagnosed?
Endometriosis may be diagnosed through your symptoms and sometimes through a pelvic exam. Endometrial tissue can sometimes be felt if it's large. The doctors at Georgia Center for Women may also perform imaging tests, such as ultrasound or MRI, to check for ovarian cysts that may result due to endometriosis.
The most definitive way to diagnose endometriosis is with minimally invasive laparoscopic surgery. The procedure allows the doctors to look inside you to identify endometrial tissue and remove it.
Is it possible to get pregnant with endometriosis?
Endometriosis can interfere with fertility. Why endometriosis affects fertility isn't fully understood but may be because patches of endometrial tissue can block off the reproductive organs.
Endometriosis may also trigger the immune system to attack an embryo, or cause irregularities in the uterine lining so an embryo can't attach.
What is the treatment for endometriosis?
Endometriosis does not have a cure, but treatments can help you manage symptoms. Treatments for women who are not trying to get pregnant include hormonal birth control to ease irregular bleeding and spotting. Hormonal intrauterine devices (IUDs) can help reduce pain and bleeding temporarily, too.
If you are trying to get pregnant, a gonadotropin-releasing agent may help. This drug temporarily blocks the production of hormones that cause ovulation, which slows the growth of endometrial tissue. When you stop taking the hormone and inflammation due to endometriosis has subsided, it may be easier for you to get pregnant.
Surgery to remove patches of endometrial tissue is another option for women trying to get pregnant.
To learn how you can manage endometriosis, call the Georgia Center for Women to book an appointment.
Our services for family planning can assist you in deciding on the quantity and timing of your children. We provide a secure and private environment for counseling and education.
What is included in family planning services?
At Georgia Center for Women, you can take advantage of a wide variety of family planning services. These include:
- Preconception counseling
- Birth control
- Infertility workups
- Counseling for unplanned pregnancies
- Pregnancy options for women with underlying medical issues
Family planning may also include education about sexually transmitted infections and information about adoption.
What is included in infertility workups?
If you and your partner have been trying actively to get pregnant for one year, or six months if you're older than 35, you may seek infertility consultations. If your period is irregular or you have a known fertility complication, you may also consider an infertility workup.
The evaluation includes exams and tests to determine why you're having trouble becoming pregnant. The most common reason for female infertility is irregular or absent ovulation, while men most commonly have problems with how sperm are made or how they function.
If the reason for infertility is found, it may be treated. But even in cases of undetermined infertility, you may successfully become pregnant.
How does birth control help with family planning?
If you're not yet ready to have children or your family is complete, contraception is a must. The team at Georgia Center for Women provide information about various types of birth control, including barrier methods, hormonal contraception, IUDs, and sterilization. Which option is best for you depends on your family planning goals, health, and personal preferences.
What is included in preconception counseling?
Preconception counseling intends to help you have the most successful pregnancy possible. The goal is to determine if there are any potential risks to you or your baby during pregnancy and to address any possible medical issues you may have. The doctors at Georgia Center for Women discuss issues including your:
- Medical history
- Family history
- Current medications
- Weight
- Workplace hazards
- Exercise and diet
You'll receive recommendations as to how to become healthier before you become pregnant to reduce your risk of complications.
For all of your family planning needs, trust the experts at Georgia Center for Women. Call the location nearest you to book an appointment.
Women commonly experience fibroids, which are growths in the uterus. As many as 80% of women will have developed fibroids by the time they reach 50 years old. These growths can cause a variety of unpleasant and even incapacitating symptoms, such as pelvic pain. However, there is a chance for relief from fibroids. Our team of gynecology specialists can offer medication or surgery, depending on your specific needs, to alleviate your discomfort.
What are fibroids?
Fibroids, medically known as myomas, are tumors within your uterine walls. They range widely in size, from apple-seed-sized to as large as a grapefruit. In nearly all cases, fibroids are noncancerous.
However, that doesn't necessarily mean they're problem-free. While most women don't have serious fibroid symptoms, those who do can sometimes suffer severely.
What are the symptoms of fibroids?
Some of the symptoms fibroids cause may include:
- Very heavy bleeding during periods
- Highly painful periods
- Lower abdominal swelling
- Increased frequency of urination
- Painful intercourse
- Lower back pain
- Lower abdominal pressure
In some cases, fibroids can also contribute to infertility, although this is rare. Women who have fibroids are six times as likely to need a cesarean section when giving birth.
How are fibroids diagnosed?
Your OB/GYN at Georgia Center for Women may find the first signs of fibroids during your annual exam. To get more detailed information, your OB/GYN may also recommend a minimally invasive procedure like laparoscopy. Knowing the exact size and location of your fibroids allows your doctor to better design an effective treatment plan for you.
What is the treatment for fibroids?
Fibroid treatment depends on your specific needs.
There are several different kinds of medication that may help. Hormonal birth control, including the pill and other hormone-based methods like some IUDs, can reduce bleeding, pain, and other symptoms.
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonists can stop your periods and reduce your fibroid size. However, because they may have significant side effects, you can only use GnRH agonists for around six months. Your fibroids typically revert to their previous dimensions after you stop taking GnRH agonists.
A minimally invasive myomectomy surgery with the da Vinci® robotic surgery system removes your fibroids and leaves your uterus intact, which preserves your fertility. A hysterectomy, also often done with the da Vinci robotic surgery system, removes your uterus, which ensures permanent fibroid removal but also ends fertility.
Your Georgia Center for Women OB/GYN reviews your fibroid treatment options with you to help you decide what's best for your needs. There's no reason to suffer from fibroid symptoms any longer.
Call the Georgia Center for Women office nearest you today.
We acknowledge that discussing certain aspects of women's health can be difficult, but we want to assure you that we approach them with discretion and professionalism. Our range of services includes yearly check-ups and managing the uncomfortable symptoms of menopause, among other concerns.
Gynecology services for all stages of life
Women's bodies go through many changes throughout life. Georgia Center for Women is committed to being there for your health whether it is your first annual exam or your fiftieth. Being a solution for women is something that we are proud of. Our gynecology services in Emory, and the surrounding areas are designed to help women make informed and confident decisions about their body no matter what stage of life they are going through.
If you are not ready to begin a family yet and require guidance on contraception choices, have heavy or painful periods, or need an STD screening, we provide the best gynecologist in Atlanta to find the right solution for you.We review all of the options with you and address any concerns that you have.
Patients appreciate that we have many services to help relieve the symptoms of menopause, and a top gynecologist in Greater Atlanta is here to guide you through those options. MonaLisa Touch is an FDA approved procedure that promotes the growth of new collagen and relieves symptoms like itching and dryness, and even incontinence. On top of MonaLisa Touch, we have many other treatments for women going through menopause.
When getting cancer screenings, we are thorough and make sure you stay informed about the best stage in life to begin scheduling appointments for screenings and what to expect. It is important to us that you have all of the information necessary as you make decisions that impact your health, and we are here for you every step of the way.
Our Gynecologists Listen to Your Feminine Health Needs
Whether you visit a top gynecologist in Emory or Midtown, you can count on the health professionals at Georgia Center for Women to listen to your feminine health needs and goals. When you feel your best, you can focus on what matters most to you. Our gynecologists understand this, and we want to give you exceptional care for all your needs.
Do not hesitate to let us know about issues you have like painful periods, dryness and discomfort caused by menopause, or if you have a family history of ovarian cancer. We take all aspects of your health into consideration like family history as well as your current health. By taking the time to listen, we can enhance our gynecology services even more for our patients.
Clear communication is an essential part of our process, and we encourage all of our patients to be straightforward and upfront about their concerns and what they hope to achieve. We are attentive and listen to every detail whether you have a serious concern about your health or you simply want to learn more about vaginal rejuvenation as a possible option in the future. You can easily reach out today on the phone or by filling out our contact form, and we will be fast to respond.
Providing the Care and Comfort You Deserve
Beyond our dedicated gynecology services in Atlanta and the surrounding areas like Morrow South and Midtown, we also focus on the atmosphere of our offices and other little details. All of our locations for Georgia Center for Women are easy to find and convenient to schedule appointments at. When you come in for an appointment, you will notice that our entire staff is friendly and approachable. Our offices and patient exam rooms are clean and well kept.
We use the latest advancements in technology to ensure patients have access to safe and effective treatments.We want to make every patient comfortable during their scheduled appointments with the best gynecologist in Atlanta, Emory, and our other locations. Our gynecologists stay at the forefront of the industry to ensure you get access to the latest feminine health data and treatments.
What You Can Expect When Visiting Our Gynecologist
Whether you have been to a gynecologist before or this is your first appointment, you can expect to be in a comfortable atmosphere. When you speak with the best gynecologist in Atlanta and the surrounding areas, you can rely on us to use discretion and give you outstanding care. While each visit is going to be unique for women based on the stage in life they are in and the reason for their appointment, there are a few similarities you can anticipate.
The initial examinations that occur at the gynecologist appointment are going to be a general physical exam, breast exam, pap smear and pelvic exam. However, you can expect other service based on your particular needs. For instance, if you are going through the symptoms of menopause, we can review the benefits of MonaLisa Touch and other procedures that relieve dryness and burning.
To ensure you make the most out of your visit with a top gynecologist in Midtown, Emory, and other locations around Atlanta, write down questions and concerns that you would like addressed. When it comes to your feminine health, we know that you will want as much information as possible. By preparing for the visit ahead of time, we can review each question with you at the first appointment to ensure you make confident decisions.
Also, make sure you are having an open conversation with the gynecologist. Nothing should be off the table when it comes to your feminine health. The best gynecologist knows that some topics might be uncomfortable for you to discuss. We are professional, upfront, and friendly whether you have questions about heavy menstrual periods, pain occurring in your breasts, vaginal dryness, or any other issues that you are concerned with.
The frequency at which you should visit a gynecologist varies based on the patient's health, age, and goals. Most women find that making an appointment with the gynecologist is best to do once a year. However, your OBGYN will make recommendations based on your health and medical history. Of course, if you notice changes in your body such as vaginal pain, abnormal bleeding, or discomfort, don't wait to make an appointment outside of the annual wellness exams.
The Importance of Finding a Gynecologist You Trust
Finding the right gynecologist for your needs is a big decision, and we respect that. Not only do you want to find a gynecologist that is conveniently located, but patients also need to be comfortable with the doctor. Consider aspects such as if you prefer a male or female doctor. While some women won't have a preference, others will, and this can be discussed at the consultation. Also, if you are concerned about insurance, ask the gynecologist's office if they accept your insurance and what you can expect from costs.
At Georgia Center for Women, our gynecologists are here to guide and communicate with you throughout our services and your health. As you are making the decision about which doctor is right for you, don't hesitate to reach out. We are more than happy to provide you with the information you need to choose the best gynecologist in the Atlanta area.
The experienced OB/GYN team at Georgia Center for Women in Atlanta, Emory, and Morrow, Georgia, can help you manage menopause, a significant life transition, in a comfortable and pain-free manner. Your OB/GYN can provide you with the necessary support to navigate through your menopause years with ease and confidence.
When does menopause start?
Menopause is the time of life when you stop menstruating and your childbearing years come to an end. Menopause is a normal transition that all women go through, although it can occur at different times for each woman. The average age of menopause for American women is 52.
Perimenopause is the transition into menopause. Perimenopause often begins in your 40s, although it may start in your 30s. During the perimenopause period, you'll have sporadic periods. Menopause symptoms are also common during perimenopause.
What are the common symptoms of menopause?
The symptoms of menopause can be different for each woman but most women experience at least some of the following symptoms.
- Hot flashes
- Night sweats
- Breast tenderness
- Mood swings
- Depression
- Insomnia
- Painful intercourse
- Lower libido
Symptoms are usually sporadic for most women.
What can I do to relieve menopause symptoms?
Your Georgia Center for Women doctor works closely with you to relieve your menopause symptoms.
Lifestyle Changes
Lifestyle changes during menopause can be basic but still very effective. Your doctor may recommend dietary changes, more frequent exercise, and even small changes like adhering to a stricter bedtime.
Hormone Replacement
Hormone replacement therapy may take several different forms, including oral tablets, hormone creams, and BioTE® bioidentical hormone pellet injections. The BioTE bioidentical hormones are particularly effective because they're chemically identical to your body's own natural hormones.
MonaLisa Touch
MonaLisa Touch is a noninvasive laser treatment that's helpful for many menopause symptoms including vaginal dryness, laxity, and painful intercourse. Often, MonaLisa Touch can be an effective supplement to other treatments like BioTE hormone replacement when you want fast symptom relief.
Your menopause relief plan may include a combination of these treatments, based on your symptoms and needs.
Can I discontinue birth control when I'm in menopause?
Your Georgia Center for Women doctor will tell you when it's safe to discontinue birth control. As long as you're still getting periods, however sporadic they may be, you could still get pregnant.
Once your last period was a full year ago, you're in postmenopause and at that point, your doctor will usually give the okay to stop birth control. Of course, you still need to protect against sexually transmitted disease, even when you can't get pregnant.
Menopause questions or concerns? Call the Georgia Center for Women to book your appointment today.
For women who are dealing with conditions like endometriosis, PCOS, or fibroids, the idea of having surgery can be worrisome. However, it's important to note that they may be thinking of open surgery, which is a highly invasive option. Fortunately, at the Georgia Center for Women, there are other options available, including minimally invasive surgeries like LEEP and robotic surgeries. These alternatives can be effective choices for many women.
What is loop electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP) surgery?
LEEP is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that helps prevent cervical cancer. Your Georgia Center for Women OB/GYN may recommend LEEP if your Pap smear or biopsy shows abnormal cervical cell growth.
During LEEP, your doctor extracts abnormal cells using a small wire loop. The process works much like a Pap smear, in that it starts with speculum insertion to open your vaginal walls. Your doctor then injects anesthesia into your cervix so you're numb during the procedure. LEEP takes only about 10 minutes and you won't typically need downtime.
What is da Vinci® robotic surgery?
In the world of minimally invasive surgical procedures, the da Vinci Surgical System is the well-established leader. After placing a miniature lighted camera in a small incision in your abdomen, your Georgia Center for Women doctor views the surgery area (inside your body) on a 3D high-definition monitor.
In some cases, the surgical instruments move through the same small incision, while in other cases the doctor may make a couple more tiny incisions. Your doctor performs the surgery by controlling surgical instruments attached to a robotic arm.
Because the robotic arm has much more flexibility and rotation capability than human arms, your doctor can make the most precise movements possible. Additionally, the robotic arm is rock-steady, and never prone to fatigue tremors as human arms can be.
What type of surgeries can the doctor do using da Vinci robotics?
There are many gynecology surgeries done with da Vinci robotics today, including:
- Hysterectomy, including a single-site (one incision) hysterectomy for non-cancer surgery
- Myomectomy, fibroid removal
- Endometriosis resection
In most cases, da Vinci robotic surgery offers dramatically faster healing times, less bleeding, and less pain than other surgical options like open surgery.
What is a laparoscopy?
A laparoscopy is a minimally invasive procedure that's similar to robotic surgery in many ways. Your doctor makes only small incisions, and a lighted miniature camera relays images of the surgery site to a nearby monitor for your doctor to view.
The main difference is that with laparoscopy, your doctor holds the surgical instruments themselves while in robotic surgery the robotic arm holds the instruments. Laparoscopy is both a diagnostic and treatment procedure. Your doctor may do a laparoscopy to diagnose and treat a condition like endometriosis.
Call to book your minimally invasive surgery consultation at the Georgia Center for Women location nearest you today.
Comprehensive care beyond a gynecologist is essential if you are considering starting a family. Our range of services includes obstetrics for those who want to plan their family, prenatal counseling, ultrasounds, and other relevant services.
The benefits of using an obstetrician at Georgia Center for Women
There are a range of benefits for enlisting the top obstetrics in Atlanta. While some advantages are experienced by all women that go through family planning and pregnancy, there are many benefits that you will discover on your own when visiting an obstetrician. Know that when you make an appointment for obstetrics at Georgia Center for Women, your health is our primary concern. We provide exceptional care because we want you to experience all of the benefits of using an obstetrician firsthand.
Obstetricians are trained to manage pre- and post-pregnancy health.
Pregnancy is more than 9 months, and the best obstetrics offices in Georgia have an in-depth understanding of that. From the moment you start family planning, we are here to guide you. If you are trying to get pregnant, we recommend infertility workups. Our obstetricians listen to your vision for pregnancy, and we take into account your family history, current health, and your goals.
We are trained to provide care for normal pregnancies as well as high-risk pregnancies. Gestational diabetes that can occur during pregnancy is also a focal point for obstetrics. Our doctors never gloss over any of your health concerns during pregnancy. We keep our patients informed and make sure we are easy to reach. It is important to us that you keep stress levels low, and by preparing you for each step, you will be more confident in your health and the process of planning a family.
Obstetrics focuses on your mental and physical health.
Planning a family and going through childbirth impacts both the mind and body. The best obstetrics focus on your mental and physical health to ensure you go through each stage of pregnancy smoothly and are prepared for what is ahead. Take advantage of prenatal counseling and don't hesitate to ask any questions. The more information you have from the best obstetrics offices in Atlanta and other Georgia locations, the better.
You gain access to state of the art healthcare.
Pregnancy is a beautiful time in a woman's life, but it can also come with a lot of physical demands. Our mission is to ensure you are as comfortable as possible as you go through each trimester of pregnancy. We use the best technology as well as natural approaches, so you get well-rounded healthcare during this time.
If you are trying to get pregnant, our obstetricians will schedule infertility workups. Our goal is to get to the cause of infertility and find the best solution for you. We know it can be difficult when getting pregnant is a challenge, but our doctors are here to help. By using the latest technology and data, we are better enabled to find a solution.
The consultation with the obstetrician is complementary.
It's easy to find obstetrics offices, but it's much harder to find the best obstetrician that meets your needs. We encourage women that are looking for services in obstetrics to schedule a consultation and visit us. This way, you can reach our friendly staff and get more information about our offices and locations. Whether you live in Atlanta, Morrow South, or Emory Midtown, you can count on our healthcare professionals to be a solution for women.
How to choose the best obstetrics in Atlanta
There are a few essential characteristics that you should be on the lookout for when selecting the best obstetrics in Atlanta. Take a few moments before your consultation with an obstetrician to write down any questions or concerns you have. Here are a few qualities that Georgia Center for Women has that makes us stand out from other offices.
Our obstetrics specialists have experience, education, and in-depth training. We are dedicated to the industry and stay at the forefront of obstetrics. We know that to give patients that best care, we have to go above and beyond when it comes to women's health.It's important to us that our patients know we care about them beyond the test results. Planning a family comes with a mix of emotions, and we listen and help you find ways to de-stress and stay healthy.
Our medical professionals put you first. We provide our patients with a reliable solution for family planning, prenatal counseling, pregnancy care and everything in between. Our staff is easy to communicate with, and our obstetricians in Atlanta and the surrounding locations are dedicated to patient care. You and your family are always our primary concern, and we are available when you have questions or need pregnancy care.
Our obstetrics offices in Emory Midtown, Atlanta, and Morrow South are designed to be comfortable and inviting. Georgia Center for Women is fully staffed with friendly medical professionals that are ready to help. We are conveniently located in Greater Atlanta, and we encourage you to reach out to our knowledgeable staff if you have any questions. Our professionals always use discretion when discussing health matters.
Our OBGYN services go beyond the needs of obstetrics. Once you have gone through childbirth, we are still your office for other feminine health needs like annual exams, birth control, menopause, and more. We want to continue to help you achieve your health goals whether you plan on having more children, or you want to get vaginal rejuvenation after going through pregnancy. Take a moment to look at all of our services and feel free to ask about these at your complimentary obstetrics consultation.
Services provided by an obstetrician
As you are searching for the best obstetrician in Atlanta, you'll notice their services to differ from an OBGYN. Obstetric care includes family planning and infertility workups. The best obstetrician understands that each woman is different in how quickly they get pregnant and what their vision is for a family. Our obstetrician puts your health and first and discusses all options with you based on your goals.
If there are any risks involved due to age and current health, we are open and honest about these, and we encourage you to ask questions to learn more. The obstetricians at Georgia Center for Women have experience and training in normal and high-risk pregnancies. While pregnancy has moments that are enjoyable and exciting, there are also times when the body changes and adjusts in unfamiliar ways, and this can be uncomfortable. Our doctors are here to inform you as you go through checkups and ultrasounds, so you are prepared and confident throughout each trimester.
Obstetric services also include prenatal counseling. Helping you make healthy decisions when planning a family and going through childbirth is part of what you can expect from our doctors. If gestational diabetes develops, we are here to help you manage it and to guide you on the best steps to take moving forward.
Our obstetricians are caring and professional, and all of our services are tailored to our patient's needs. We are humbled and happy to help with family planning and care for you while going through pregnancy. Reach out if you have any questions about our services or want to schedule an appointment with a top obstetrician in Atlanta and the surrounding areas.
Contact today for a free consultation
We begin the process with a complimentary obstetric care consultation, so we can get to know each other. At the free consultation, you can ask any questions you have or let us know what your concerns are. We will address these clearly and share information about what you can expect from our obstetrics services. Don't hesitate to ask us about our other OBGYN services as well like annual exams, MonaLisa Touch, and minimally invasive surgery.
At Georgia Center for Women, we want to ensure you have all the information necessary to make an informed and confident decision. Choosing an obstetrician is important, and we understand and respect that. That's why we start with a consultation that is at no-obligation to you. By making the process easy, you are free to focus on your health and planning a family.
Our obstetrics offices are conveniently located in Atlanta, Emory Midtown, and Morrow South. Schedule your complimentary consultation by calling the location nearest you. We look forward to meeting you!
- Family Planning
- Infertility workups
- Ultrasound
- Normal and high risk pregnancy care
- Prenatal counseling
- Gestational Diabetes
Cysts can form on the ovaries of women without any noticeable symptoms, but they may rupture and cause discomfort or indicate a hormonal imbalance known as polycystic ovary syndrome. We can assess hormonal cysts that are problematic and provide treatment options.
What is an ovarian cyst?
Your ovaries are two almond-shaped organs located on either side of your uterus. These small organs are responsible for the development and maturation of a woman's eggs. Ovarian cysts are fluid-filled pockets that form within or on the surface of ovaries.
In the vast majority of cases, ovarian cysts are completely harmless and disappear on their own. But, some women may experience symptoms associated with ovarian cysts, especially if they rupture or twist.
What are the symptoms of an ovarian cyst?
If you do experience symptoms of an ovarian cyst, you may have:
- Fullness or heaviness in your pelvis and lower abdomen
- Dull or sharp pain in your lower abdomen on the side of the affected cyst
- Bloating
If cysts are a sign of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), you may have infertility associated with the cysts.
What is polycystic ovary syndrome?
A symptom of PCOS includes cysts on the ovaries. The condition describes a common health condition that occurs due to an imbalance of your reproductive hormones. Polycystic ovary syndrome interferes with ovarian function, meaning you may not fully develop eggs or ovulate every month.
Other symptoms associated with PCOS include:
- Unexplained weight gain and difficulty losing weight
- Irregular menstrual periods
- Hair growth on areas typically associated with males, such as the face
- Acne
- Thinning hair on the head in a pattern of male baldness
Women with PCOS may also have trouble getting pregnant without fertility treatments, including medications and in vitro fertilization.
When should I be concerned about ovarian cysts?
The doctors at Georgia Center for Women may identify an ovarian cyst during a routine exam. If it's not symptomatic, they may adopt a watch-and-wait approach. If, however, you experience symptoms or pain associated with a cyst, you should seek medical care.
Cystic ovaries that develop after you've gone through menopause may be cancerous and warrant immediate attention. In some cases, your cyst may move and cause your ovary to twist. Larger cysts have a chance of rupturing, too. If you experience torsion or a rupture, you will most likely experience:
- Severe pelvic pain
- Nausea
- Vomiting
Vigorous activity, including sexual intercourse, can trigger an ovarian cyst to rupture. Ovarian cysts that are symptomatic or that rupture can be treated with laparoscopic surgery.
If you suspect you have an ovarian cyst, call one of the offices of the Georgia Center for Women today to book an appointment.
Increasing your chances of surviving cervical cancer is possible through early detection. One way to screen for your risk of developing this often fatal disease is through a Pap smear, which is an effective procedure.
What is the purpose of a Pap smear?
A Pap smear detects changes in your cervical cells. The test doesn't definitively diagnose cervical cancer but does help your doctor determine if you need further exams.
What happens during a Pap smear?
A Pap smear is usually performed during a routine pelvic exam. Your doctor at Georgia Center for Women uses a swab or brush to collect a sampling of cells from your cervix. The test is brief and you may feel some pressure during the collection, but it's generally pain-free.
Who needs a Pap smear?
All women age 21-65 benefit from getting regular Pap smears. Usually, you should begin to get them at age 21, but you and your doctor at Georgia Center for Women can decide the right schedule for you depending on your medical history, family history, and sexual activity.
How often should a woman get a Pap smear?
Most women should get a Pap smear every three years. If you have a history of normal Pap smears, your doctor may switch you to getting a Pap smear once every five years.
But, you may need more frequent Pap smears if you have certain risk factors, including:
- A previous diagnosis of cervical cancer or a history of Pap smears that show precancerous cells
- HIV infection
- Weakened immune system
- A history of smoking
You may end Pap testing if you've had a total hysterectomy or are older than 65.
What do the results of a Pap smear mean?
If your Pap results come back normal, it means no abnormal cells were found. Abnormal results (often referred to as positive) do not mean you have cervical cancer. In most cases, an abnormal test means you have cell changes caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV), a common sexually transmitted infection. Sometimes, cervical cells appear irregular due to the natural process of aging or an infection.
Depending on your test results, your doctor at Georgia Center for Women may ask that you repeat a Pap smear in a few months to see if the abnormal cells resolve on their own. In other cases, they may recommend a more in-depth evaluation of your cervix known as a colposcopy.
To schedule your Pap smear, call the Georgia Center for Women location that's most convenient for you.
Pelvic pain can stem from various sources, with endometriosis and PCOS being among the most prevalent. Our OB/GYN physicians possess the expertise and empathy necessary to accurately diagnose and manage your pelvic pain, enabling you to resume your daily activities without interruption.
What is chronic pelvic pain?
Chronic pelvic pain is pain in the region from your navel down to your hips that goes on for a minimum of six months. This type of pain doesn't have to happen daily to count as pelvic pain as long as it's relatively persistent for six months or more. It's actually common for pelvic pain to occur only at specific times, namely:
- The days leading up to your period
- During your period
- During ovulation
Although your pelvic pain may only happen during those certain times, sometimes women who suffer from pelvic pain also suffer from very long periods, which can extend the time they spend in pain considerably.
What causes pelvic pain?
There are many possible causes of pelvic pain. Your Georgia Center for Women doctor performs a pelvic exam and discusses your symptoms and history with you to determine the cause of your pelvic pain. Often, your doctor may perform a diagnostic ultrasound, and, if needed, a minimally invasive laparoscopy to take a closer look.
Some of the most common causes of pelvic pain are:
- Endometriosis, in which uterine tissue grows outside your uterus
- Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), which can cause very heavy periods and enlarged ovaries
- Fibroids, non-cancerous uterine growths
Intestinal issues like irritable bowel syndrome or bladder issues like interstitial cystitis can also cause pelvic pain.
How is pelvic pain treated?
Often, noninvasive treatment can help with pelvic pain. For some patients, medication is helpful. For example, oral contraceptives may be effective in relieving endometriosis pain. Other hormones, including hormone replacement like BioTE®, may also be helpful. If your pelvic pain is connected to a lingering infection, like an STD, antibiotics can clear it up.
Sometimes, a minimally invasive procedure like a laparoscopy or myomectomy using the da Vinci® robotic surgery system can give you the pain relief you need without the significant downtime connected with traditional open surgery.
With da Vinci robotic surgery, incisions are much smaller, there's considerably less bleeding, and your pain during recovery is dramatically lower than it would be with open surgery.
Your doctor at Georgia Center for Women can help you find the pelvic pain solution that's best for long-term relief. Call the office nearest you and book your appointment today.
At Georgia Center for Women, we offer a range of prenatal services including normal healthy pregnancy care, high-risk pregnancy care, and prenatal counseling and support. Our team is caring and supportive, and we are here to help you every step of the way. Our OB/GYN provides excellent prenatal care, which includes monitoring your baby's growth, managing your symptoms, and performing ultrasounds to track your baby's development. Additionally, we are happy to serve as your child's pediatrician once they are born.
Click here to learn more about our "Babies First Connect" program.
When is a pregnancy high-risk?
A high-risk pregnancy is a pregnancy in which your health and your baby's health could potentially be in danger. There are a number of factors that may categorize your pregnancy as high-risk, including:
- Age over 35, if it's your first pregnancy
- Multiple babies in the same pregnancy (twins, triplets, or more babies)
- Preexisting health conditions such as diabetes or hypertension
- Pregnancy conditions such as gestational diabetes, hyperemesis gravidarum, or preeclampsia
Many other factors may contribute to pregnancy risk as well. Your Georgia Center for Women physician works with you closely if you need high-risk pregnancy care to help you have the healthiest pregnancy possible.
Do I need prenatal genetic counseling?
Your doctor may recommend genetic counseling, which includes prenatal counseling about genetic conditions and testing for those conditions, if you have a high-risk pregnancy.
Genetic counseling may also be indicated if you have an abnormal ultrasound or blood test results if you have a family history of genetic disease, or for many other possible reasons.
How often should I visit the doctor during pregnancy?
Your pregnancy checkups should happen at specific intervals recommended by your doctor. For normal pregnancy care, your visits may be as follows.
- Once a month until 28 weeks
- Twice a month from 28-36 weeks
- Once a week from 36 weeks until delivery
High-risk pregnancy patients need to see the doctor more often. Your Georgia Center for Women doctor will give you a specific high-risk pregnancy schedule, but in general, expect to see the doctor roughly twice as often as you would in a normal healthy pregnancy.
What happens during my pregnancy appointments?
During your first visit, you'll have a complete physical examination. You'll also have blood tests and your doctor will estimate your due date. You'll discuss your pregnancy and your history with the doctor in detail.
In the monthly or weekly visits, you won't typically have a full physical exam. Your doctor checks your weight and blood pressure and also checks your baby's heart rate and measures your baby's growth.
You'll have at least one ultrasound during your pregnancy, possibly several based on your needs. You can learn your baby's sex during the first trimester at Georgia Center for Women, allowing you to jump-start preparations for your baby.
Call to book your pregnancy appointment at Georgia Center for Women today.